A newsLETTER blog about life for Sarah, Stephen and Alexandria Padre in Our Nation's Capital

Jun 15, 2009

The Weekend

We spent a fair part of the weekend running around though Stephen felt really lethargic on Saturday morning (we think it was because of his allergy medicine) so we didn't get to go to one of the planned activities. Mid-afternoon, we headed downtown and saw the people on the Naked Bike Ride go by. There were about 20 people riding in protest of use of cars, etc - for more details you can look on the web. In case you are wondering, the DC law is that it is not indecent exposure unless your genitals are showing so that gives you an idea of how 'naked' is 'naked'.

We headed over to the Mall to listen to the free Jazz for a while. It was good but there wasn't a shady spot to sit in so we soon left and went over to the American History Museum where we saw the Star Spangled Banner. We also looked at a couple of other exhibits but stayed away from the ones that Stephen really wanted to see because it was quite crowded and a bit hard to get through with Lexi's stroller.

After grabbing a quick dinner, we headed north and watched the Gay Pride Parade. Lexi had a good time waving at the people and receiving bead necklaces. She came home with quite a collection of them and they are still entertaining her. Stephen and I thought it was a rather tame parade though particularly compared to Chicago's but we didn't stay for the whole thing.

Sunday we did some house hunting. There was an open house at a house in our neighborhood that we both thought looked good. We also looked at a couple of houses with our relator. This seems like such hard decision. There are so many factors to consider. I guess nothing has struck us as 'perfect' quite yet. Our landlord is enamored with Lexi so we can pretty much stay here as long as we want. It would be nice to wrap this up sooner rather than later so we can just get settled. Plus, we could take advantage of the tax credit.

Now I have a list of things to try and accomplish this week - if Lexi cooperates!

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