A newsLETTER blog about life for Sarah, Stephen and Alexandria Padre in Our Nation's Capital

Jun 10, 2009

Looking for work and road work

Lexi and I walked to the largest grocery store within walking distance. It shares a parking lot with a Home Depot and several small stores. In this parking lot, in the morning in particular, there always seems to be quite a few men hanging around. I assume that they are looking for casual labor jobs - that this parking lot is an area where they can be picked up to do a day's work. I am quite thankful that is not my circumstance or the way I would have to find a job. Today, it seemed like the number of men there was larger than usual. Does that mean that they were all laid off from something else recently or is there really no reason for it? It's hard to know.

I have met with a recruiter and continue to look for jobs on various websites. No interviews yet, but it is still early. It seems like it will be easier for me to stay in the non-profit arena that to try to go back to working for a profit company which I am disappointed about. I had hoped to get away from non-profit for a little while at least. This might mean that I am locked into this arena for the rest of my working life.

I have to admit, I thought that in Kenya they were behind in technology when it came to infrastructure. I think I even remarked in one of my blog posts about how they were painting the lines on the street by hand. Well, I guess they weren't all that behind as right here in our neighborhood, they were doing the same thing. They have just repaved a portion of the street and 4 guys were out there with a measuring tape, a string and paint, painting on the crosswalk lines. I guess I was wrong about Kenya being behind the times.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I think it is too soon to say that you will not get a job in the private sector again. True it might be easier to stay in the non profits, but we can not see into the future.