A newsLETTER blog about life for Sarah, Stephen and Alexandria Padre in Our Nation's Capital

Jun 23, 2009


I have been meaning to write about this for a while.

Of the almost 7 years that Stephen and I have been married, over 80% of it we have lived out of the country. We have a variety of U.S. cookbooks and try to use those recipes. Doing that overseas was a bit of a challenge - the types of things in the cookbooks were hard to find or not in the same quantity or just not quite the same. Since being back, we have made several dishes in the originally intended way - and boy, were they good! Having Italian dressing made one recipe change a lot; it was hard to believe.

We also had take out Chinese recently, the first time in ages. Fortune cookies came with it - haven't had those in years. Lexi enjoyed them as well though she didn't understand about getting the paper out first before you bit into it.


Paula said...

I think we mostly did not make things from American reicpes. Or rather I used the more with less cookbook and it did not require unusual ingredients.

~PakKaramu~ said...

Pak Karamu reading your blog